The Book of Trespass

Right from the outset, you need to know that this book isn’t (directly) related to cycle touring. Alongside that, you need to understand that The Book Of Trespass, by Nick Hayes, is probably the most important book in the UK.

That’s a very bold claim, but once you read the book (and you really, really must read it!) you will understand why I said that. In simple terms, this book peels back the layers, one by one, and reveals clearly what was stolen from you!

Wait, you’re saying someone stole from me? Stole what, exactly?

You really need to read this book! Hayes has done exhaustive research, and demonstrates, with wordcrafting that verges on unbelievably superb, how the rich in the UK has been stealing land, and access to land, from commoners. From people like you and me.

This book is undoubtedly political, but not in a party-political way. With stark honesty, Hays cuts through centuries of virtual bramble overgrowth, to lay bare the earth that belongs to you and me. With is extremely easy-going style, Hayes details the very steps that were taken to disenfranchise you, and leaves you with the question of what are you going to do about it.

Rabble-rousing done right

As I’m writing this, the UK is suffering seemingly-organised riots from extremists, being useful idiots in a manufactured culture war designed in Moscow, delivered via the foreign billionaire-owned press, and intended to destabilise the UK further.

If you’re upset at asylum-seekers asking for some of the safety and stability they’ve been denied in their home countries, but you’re not seething with anger at the staggering scale of land, and land-access theft that’s been blatantly happening in plain sight for centuries, then you simply haven’t been paying attention.

When you read this book, Hayes will open your eyes to the enormous injustice that was done, and continues to be done, to the British people, primarily by the British super-rich.

The book is exceptionally well-written, and even better researched. Hays delivered an absolute masterpiece, and ideally, this book should be compulsory reading in every school in the UK.

The verdict

I read this book twice now, within six months. Undoubtedly, I will re-read it multiple times still to come. I simply cannot praise this book enough, nor can I recommend it enough.

Get your copy here, or from any good bookshop.

Also have a look at all the other great books on Will’s Bookshelf.

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