DayCycle – Seaton and the Rame peninsula

If you live in Plymouth, you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to gorgeous cycling routes. From coastal vistas to high moorland and much more are within reach, so it always surprises me that so many people cycle the same route again and again.

To me (well, this is my blog after all) a good route offers a combination of things: we want half-decent road surfaces, not too much traffic, several good climbs to get the blood pumping, views that make you glad to be alive, and of course a pretty decent cafe to stop at. Whether you ride with friends, a cycling club or on your own doesn’t really matter, as long as you get out there and ride.

This post is about one of my favourite routes, a route that crosses the Tamar into Cornwall, to meander over the Rame peninsula. Where in Plymouth you may be starting from doesn’t matter – just make your way down to the Torpoint ferry (Europe’s largest chain-driven ferries, in case you didn’t know) and cross into Cornwall. Cyclists, like pedestrians, cross for free in either direction on the Torpoint Ferry.

Once off the ferry in Torpoint, follow the road, but turn left into Marine Drive and follow the water’s edge. After a while Marine Drive will become Carbeille Road – just follow that up the gentle hill until you get to a mini-roundabout, by the Carbeille Inn, where you should turn left onto Trevol Road.
Follow Trevol Road all the way, past HMS Raleigh, until it merges with the A374 (you’ll be turning left here) then just follow the A374 all the way, keeping the Lynher river on your right.

A word of caution: the A374 can get a bit busy, with fast traffic. If this concerns you, go ride this route early on a Saturday or Sunday morning, when the road should be nice and quiet. Also, the road surface along here is quite rough in places – just grin and bear it, as the rest of the route will make up for this temporary annoyance.

Stay on the A374 through Antony and Polbathic, then turn left on the A387, sigposted Looe and Hessenford. Although still an A road, the A387 is far more quiet than the A374, but it is also far more narrow. Soon after turning left you will encounter the first real climb of the ride, as the road winds its way up to the top of the hill. You will be rewarded with a nice descent down into Hessenford, but do slow down once there are houses either side as you need to turn left on Hessenford Road just after having crossed the river Seaton by the bridge.

Hessenford Road will take you all the way to Seaton, where you will find the first option for a cafe stop at the Seaton Beach Cafe. The coffee here is pretty good and the cake is acceptable.

Should you wish to forego the cafe stop for the moment, simply continue along across the bridge over the river. The road now is called Bridge Road, and will skirt the edge of the beach before turning up a sharp little hill to take you into Downderry. Just follow the road all the way. It will change names a few more times, first to Brenton Road, then Main Road and finally Tregannus Lane. Tregannus Lane will make a U-turn before presenting you with quite a relentless climb. This is one of my favourite climbs in the general area and you will find it goes on for just over a mile and is fairly steep, hitting 15% or so in a few places.

Follow the road as it curves to the right at a junction shortly before the climb ends, and simply continue along. Soon you will be rewarded with often breathtaking views over Whitsand Bay on your right. The road will undulate for a while and will take you through Crafthole. Just continue to follow the road until you can see an old fort on your right.  This is Tregantle Fort, which is still in military use. A mild uphill later you need to turn right (not the entrance to Tregantle, but the road soon after).

Be careful here – lots of beachgoers park on the edge of the road and often simply walk out on to the road without checking! The road will sweep closer to the sea and will follow the cliff tops, taking you through Freathy. Soon enough you will see a road turning left, with signs for the Whitsand Bay Fort Holiday Park. Directly opposite that road there is a little dirt track leading off downhill. Tucked away just out of sight is the Clifftop Cafe – well worth visiting, even if it does mean walking your bike a very short bit down the track.

If you choose not to stop (well, it’s your loss) then simply follow the road, which is now called Military Road. A while further there will be two lanes leading off to the right – don’t take those, but instead stay on the road you’ve been following. As you turn the corner, the road changes name to Trehill Lane. It’s a nice descent but there are some sharp corners. One curve in the road especially from a distance looks like the road continues almost straight, when in fact you need to take a sharp left turn, so if you’re not familiar with the road I suggest at first taking it easy here. Trehill Lane becomes Rame Lane, and shortly thereafter Forder Lane, before taking you down into Cawsand as it becomes New Road.

Simply follow New Road through Cawsand. Where it turns uphill it becomes Jackman’s Meadow and you should follow it all the way up the hill to a junction with a bigger road. This is right by Fourlanesend Primary School, and you will have a choice to make: turn left, towards Millbrook to (eventually) take the Torpoint Ferry again, or turn right towards Mt Edgecombe, to catch the Cremyll ferry. Just be aware that the Cremyll ferry charges for pedestrians, plus extra per bike.

Cremyll Ferry
If you opted for the Cremyll Ferry, you will turn right at Fourlanesend and simply stay on that road. You will ride past the Mt Edgecombe chapel entrance and past the Mt Edgecombe entrance to descend all the way to Cremyll. If you’ve timed it well, you will just have missed the ferry and be forced to make good use of the Edgecombe Arms pub while waiting for the next ferry.

If you opted to take the Torpoint Ferry, you will turn left, towards Millbrook. Exactly half a mile down the hill you need to turn right on Millpool Head, then follow that road as it winds its way through the village to the waterside. You will end up cycling on The Parade, with the water on your right, before taking the 1st exit at the first roundabout you encounter.
This will take you up St John’s Road and you will have quite a sharp little hill ahead of you.

Simply follow St John’s Lane all the way through the village of St John’s, veering right at a junction where i signpost on a grassy circle points towards Torpoint. Follow the road uphill until you get to the junction with Trevoll Road, where there are yield signs painted across the road you’re on. Turn right on Trevoll Road, and head back through Torpoint, past HMS Raleigh. When you get to the mini roundabout, at the junction with Carbeille Road, you can either turn right and return the same way you came, or just continue straight to the T-junction with Antony Road.  Turn right on Antony Road and follow it all the way to the Torpoint ferry.

Here’s a link to the route map, from where you can download the GPX. The map opts for the route through Millbrook.

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