Coleman Performance Gas review – best avoided!

Camping gas explained

Gas cartridges for camping stoves mostly use butane gas, which is cheap, and in mild to warm temperatures offers good performance. The trouble with butane is that it really performs poorly in the cold, and your gas stove may completely fizzle out just when you’re most reliant on it. Manufacturers of such gas cartridges are aware of this, and so have other cartridges available, filled with a mix of propane and butane. Propane performs far better in cold temperatures, so if you will be needing to use your gas camping stove anywhere cold, you will need a propane/butane mix.

Coleman Performance Gas

Coleman has the following to say about their Performance Gas cartridges: “The Performance cartridges are certified to contain a 70/30 Butane/Propane mix. We have tested the gas to an evaporation temperature of -5°c and a usage temperature of as low as -20°c.”
Recently, I went camping out on Dartmoor, and overnight the temperature dropped low enough for my tent to be mostly covered in a 1mm layer of ice by the morning. After having pitched my tent, according to my Garmin, the temperature was 4°C, so given the lofty claims made by Coleman, I was comfortably within the operating range of the gas cartridge. Only, it failed me miserably!

My Vango Compact camping stove is rated by Vango as 3000W, and able to boil a litre of water in four minutes. It’s a great little stove that’s never failed me before. In fact, I’ve camped out in colder temperatures before, and the stove worked fine, also using Performance Gas at the time. Think about that for a minute: the same stove, using a physically different Performance Gas cartridge, worked perfectly fine in colder weather, but failed me more recently.

Coleman’s reply

Here’s the thing: everyone makes makes mistakes. I belatedly became aware of problems with the T-shirt printer I switched to, and immediately refunded 17 orders, without knowing whether or not I’d ever get a refund from the supplier. That was my failing to do even better due diligence when selecting that supplier, and I accepted full responsibility. I emailed all 17 customers, and humbly apologised, explaining the reason why I refunded them. I’d rather be out of pocket than leave my customers with a poor quality product. Apparently, Coleman doesn’t share that ethos w.r.t. their customers.

We are defined not by our mistakes, but by our responses to the mistakes.

Allow me to tell you about Coleman’s response: they refuse to accept any responsibility, and (excuse the pun) proceeded to gas-light me. Here’s what they said:

Of course, there are a number of factors that affect performance as well as the temperature:

  • The power of the appliance = the more Watts, the faster the cartridge cools down. So the performance of the flame will decrease more quickly.
  • The quantity remaining in the cartridge = if it is half empty then the performance will deteriorate and propane will be burnt off first.

We are only able to comment on the testing we have done in controlled conditions and hope you have confidence to continue to use Coleman gas in the future.”

Effectively, they were blaming the stove (which works perfectly well, and there’s nothing wrong with it), as well as me (implying I used a half-empty cartridge). You will notice that Coleman does not state anything about butane burning off first anywhere in their product information sheets, nor do they warn people against using cartridges that aren’t completely full. Equally importantly, would you choose to buy a gas cartridge if you know in advance that realistically you can only use half the contents? That’s effectively what Coleman told me in their email reply, but very tellingly, they offer no such warning anywhere else.

The reality

During my camping trip, the gas I was using for my stove only worked long enough to warm a single tin mug to lukewarm. I couldn’t have a hot drink, and I couldn’t have a warm meal. It was a full cartridge that I’ve not used before, and I already explained that my stove worked perfectly fine in colder temperatures. Remember, Coleman claims to have “tested the gas to an evaporation temperature of -5°c and a usage temperature of as low as -20°c.”

Last time I checked, 4 degree Celsius was 9 degrees warmer than the tested -5 they claim. It’s also a full 24 degrees warmer than the minimum temperature they claim the cartridge will work at. In simple terms, I was massively within the temperature range they claim that Coleman Performance Gas will reliably work at, yet it failed. And for that, they wanted to blame me.

The failure of Coleman’s Performance Gas simply meant my camping trip was less enjoyable than I hoped for. I was very lucky in that it wasn’t cold enough to have been a survival incident. When I got back home, I tested that same Coleman Performance Gas cartridge, using the same stove, indoors, at far warmer temperatures. Unsurprisingly, it worked just fine. The failure (in cold weather) was Coleman’s product alone. Coleman Performance Gas simply didn’t work at lower temperatures, despite being well within the stated usage range.

The  Coleman  Range

I did some more digging, and discovered something surprising. Coleman sells a range of these cartridges: Value Gas, Performance Gas, and Extreme Gas. Remember, at summer temperatures, butane is a better fuel than propane, but its performance nosedives as it gets colder. To counter that, manufacturers add propane into the mix. You would therefore expect Coleman’s Value Gas to have less propane than their Performance Gas, and that their Extreme Gas will have the most propane, right? Except, their Value Gas is sold as 70% butane and 30% propane. Their Performance Gas and Extreme Gas are both sold as 60% butane, 40% propane.

Given that the butane/propane mix is exactly the same across the Performance Gas and Extreme Gas range, why would Coleman make wildly different claims about the temperatures that their different gas cartridges would operate under?

The  lessons  learned

I have learned my lesson: NEVER use Coleman Performance gas! I very strongly urge you to avoid their products, because it seems to me they may well have a quality-control issue. At best, not disclosing quite openly the limitations of their product also raises questions about their integrity. Trust is a binary thing: you either trust someone, or you don’t. Coleman’s product failed me, and I gave them the opportunity to deal with that in a constructive manner. They didn’t, and instead opted to suggest it was my failure. I wasn’t after compensation. I wasn’t after free products. I most certainly wasn’t after them trying to blame me for their product’s failure!

Not  just  me

In case you were thinking it’s a case of only me who had this issue, that’s simply not the case. If you read this discussion, you’ll see there are many others, experienced campers too, who also found Coleman’s gas to be unreliable.

From here on, I will only buy MSR IsoPro gas cartridges.

8 thoughts on “Coleman Performance Gas review – best avoided!”

  1. The problem you’re running into is the wrong stove for the conditions. It appears you’re using a stove that screws onto a gas canister with the valve of the gas canister facing up. If you’re going to use a butane/propane fuel mixture and cold weather you’re going to need an inverted canister stove, or an adapter to convert your stove to an inverted canister stove.

    • In reply to Ed:
      I disagree completely. What you’re suggesting also leads to needing pre-heat tubes and more.
      I simply used a product within the limits of operation it’s advertised to work, and it failed. Please don’t try to paint that as somehow my failure.

      • In reply to MrFahrenheit:
        That may be so, but here I’ll refer you back to my original points made. For starters, I have used Coleman Performance Gas in colder temperatures, too, and it worked. That’s entirely besides the point.
        The point is that Coleman may have a QC problem, as the last time I used Performance Gas, is was well above freezing, yet it failed. Just because it’s worked for anyone before is irrelevant – the point is you cannot reply on it to work every time, within the stated limitations Coleman claims it will work.

        And that simply means that you cannot trust it. After all, it’s a gamble whether or not Coleman Performance Gas will or will not work. YOU may be happy to take that gamble, but certainly am not. In cold weather camping, I need to be able to trust in, and rely on my kit. As I’ve clearly demonstrated, Coleman Performance Gas is (at best) unreliable. Anyone who is happy to go cold-weather camping with known-to-be unreliable critical kit needs to give their head a wobble. To add insult to injury, when you raise this legitimate concern with Coleman, they immediately blame you. To be fair, Ed also blamed me, and you implied blame, which raises the question of whether the pair of you works for Coleman in some capacity, and are simply trying to do a not-so-subtle PR exercise to undo brand damage.

        If Coleman was in any way interested in not damaging their brand name, they shouldn’t have blamed me for their product having failed. I stand by what I said, and wish to highlight this bit: “We are defined not by our mistakes, but by our responses to the mistakes.“. Coleman’s product failed. Instead of showing the slightest interest into why their product failed, when I contacted them (privately) about this, they simply tried to blame me. That proves the company is as untrustworthy as its Performance Gas products.

    • In reply to Ed:
      Coleman sell this gas canister as being compatible with the Coleman FyreStorm screw on stove. To suggest it’s not compatible as it’s screw on like the majority of lightweight camping stoves is laughable.

  2. Hello,

    In the section labeled “Coleman Performance Gas” you’ve written “The Performance cartridges are certified to contain a 70/30 Butane/Propane mix.” But in the section labeled “The Coleman Range” you’ve contradicted yourself by writting “Their Performance Gas and Extreme Gas are both sold as 60% butane, 40% propane.” Which is it?

    From my own experience I’ve never had an issue, my first wild camp was by LLyn Cau, Cadair Idris for NYE 2008. The temperature was off the bottom of my analouge thermometer, somewhere below -12C, a friend’s digital thermometer read -15C and the llyn was solidly frozen over although not enought to walk on!. Being my first wild camp I hadn’t even thought about the type of gas I should be using (was more worried about clothing & sleeping bag), it was just a generic Coleman gas paired with a Markill canister top stove and in the morning I was able to make a hot drink & breakfast all OK.

    I’ve been using Coleman gas for 15+ years now with many canisters used without issue, and no I don’t work for them. Interestingly their 100g canister is a diferent shape, being slightly wider & shorter than other brands so handily fits my various pots better so I’ll continue to use them.

    It begs the question, how many other things have you written off due to a single failure?


    • Hi Richard,
      I find it really helps if you pay attention. I’m quite aware of the apparent discrepancy, but far from the “smoking gun” you seem to think it is, I suggest you follow the links to the 2 different products, where BOTH are listed as supposedly containing 60/40 mix.
      Coleman appeared to have changed their rating for Performance Gas, and are now claiming it should work down to freezing temperatures. I therefore find it exceedingly difficult to accept your claim that it worked flawlessly for you at -15 C. Additionally, when I experienced this failure, I made a note of things, to discuss with Coleman. Perhaps you keep records of the temperature of all times you went wild camping (something else I find hard to swallow) or perhaps you are blessed with the ability of having total recall. Like most people, I don’t remember the temperature of most times I went wild camping, and to be honest, I’d be hard-pressed to remember details of a single wild camping excursion in 2008 – after a while, they all seem to blend into each other.

      Now here’s the thing – I’m not at all alone in having experienced failures of Coleman Gas. Again, follow the links, and you will see various others also had failures. As for writing something off after a single failure, yes, that’s ABSOLUTELY correct. If a product that I might be extremely reliant on fails, despite being well within claimed operating range, then it simply means I cannot trust it. In fact, only a fool would trust such a product, after being made aware that many people suffered failures in cold weather.

      I have zero interest in telling anything but the truth, and the truth is Coleman’s Performance Gas is a gamble. It might work, but then again, it might not. And when it fails, Coleman will probably try to blame you too.


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