The Water Railway traffic-free cycle route

Water Railway Cycle Route Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

The Water Railway is a traffic-free cycle route of 16 miles, linking Lincoln with Kirkstead. It was built on the course of a disused railway, from which it got the name. The trail is sandwiched between the river Witham and the South Delph drain.

The route as shown on the map starts at Lincoln Central train station, allowing you to get to the start by train. Just read my Bikes On Trains guide first, if you’re planning on taking the train.

The first part of the route includes some normally quiet roads, and in the middle there’s a short on-road segment, too.

Credit for the information and photo for this route goes to Dan. All errors are mine alone.

Surface on the Water Railway

The surface varies. Most of it is tarred, and not very bumpy, but there is a segment of around a mile long that is unsealed, and can get both bumpy and muddy.


Pretty much any kind of bike can be used along this route, including trikes. Road bike riders may find the gravel segment too bumpy though.


Toilets are available at the train station at the start, then again at the café at the end.

Points of Interest

Lincoln cathedral is worth visiting.

Routes in Lincolnshire


There are some chicane barriers along the route, but all types of bikes should be able to get through.


Safety: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Hilliness: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Flat)
Refreshment stops: ⭐
Barriers: ⭐⭐⭐
Surface: ⭐⭐⭐

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐

The grading system I use is explained here.

Forecast for the Water Railway

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DayCycle routes are routes can can easily be cycled by most people in a day, or part of a day. Do have a look at all the other DayCycle routes available on WillCycle. Many contain detailed route guides, as well as embedded maps (like the one below) from which you can download the GPX file for the route.

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