My colours

This post is NOT about cycling, but it underpins EVERYTHING on WillCycle.

Sometimes the right thing to do is to be diplomatic. Sometimes, the right thing to do is to look the other way. Right now is NOT one of those times. Right now, it’s time for me to nail my colours to the mast.


I couldn’t care less if you’re black, pink, yellow, brown, white, red, nor indeed bright green with purple stripes. (Actually, I’d be delighted if you were bright green with purple stripes, but let’s not digress!) I also don’t care what you look like – short or tall, fat or small, and anywhere in between. I don’t care who you pray to (or if you don’t pray) nor do I care where you came from. Or where your ancestors came from!

I couldn’t care less who you love, nor how you love. It really doesn’t matter to me with what accent you speak (though I will confess to being a big fan of Scottish and Irish accents). It makes no difference to me what your sex, or gender is.


I care passionately about some things though. That begins with my core belief that ALL people are equal. Alongside that, I rather strongly believe that we should do no harm. Obviously, you’re free to live your life in the manner that you see fit, provided your choices don’t harm others.

I very strongly believe in having enough, and not to keep trying to get more. I believe in helping others, without expecting anything in return. And I passionately believe that we must fight to save this planet. After all, it’s the only one we have.

This is why I deleted my Twitter account ages ago, and why I’m current shutting down my Instagram account. After all, I cannot claim to care for the planet, while supporting the evil billionaires who ruthlessly exploit it.


It’s not for me to tell you how to live your life. However, it is very much for me to decide how to respond to how you choose to live your life. If you’re going to start with hatred and bile, you can sod right off. I don’t want hate-filled people in my life, and I don’t want them on this site.

In my world, the sun is shining. In my world, most people are inherently good (though obviously, there are exceptions, but we’ll not trump on about those). You’re welcome to share my world, but that is absolutely reliant on you choosing to not harm others. In my world, there’s no room for hatred.

If you’ve never done so, please go read the Paradox of Tolerance, by Karl Popper. Then stand up to the hateful minority. Do not both-sides good people standing up to evil. Do not platform evil. In fact, unless you have no other choice, do not interact with evil. It thrives on your interactions and outrage, so starve it of the attention it craves.

Make a difference

Good news doesn’t sell newspapers, so you’ll rarely get to hear any. It is for this reason that each edition of my newsletter, The Spirit Of Adventure, contains at least one good news story. Try and spread good news all the time.

Remember, the hateful ones are the minority. They shout loudly, to make themselves seem bigger, is all. Do not fall for their lies. Do not go hate immigrants, disabled people, unemployed people, trans people, or gay people, as that’s what the hateful ones want you to do. Don’t allow yourself to become a useful idiot.

Try and do at least one random act of kindness per day. That could be as simple as holding open a door for someone. Oh, and DON’T go telling others about your acts of kindness. After all, you’re doing it purely to be kind, and not to make yourself look good! Telling anyone about it invalidates your random act of kindness.

Plant trees. Plant flowers. If you can, plant veggies. Especially plant veggies on uncared-for strips of council-owned land, and expect others to help themselves. Then encourage others to do even more of that.

At a coffee shop, if you can, pay for the coffee of the person behind you in the queue, without them knowing. Oh, and avoid chains! Support small, independent businesses instead. Their profits pay for the ballet lessons of their daughter, which means the ballet teacher can afford to pay the local builder to do some renovations, who in turn can dine at that local restaurant, and so on. When you buy from a chain, all the profits are siphoned off to some already rich and greedy shareholders.


Live your life. Really live. When was the last time you did anything for the first time? And why was it so long ago? Go change that!

Whenever you can, skip the car, and cycle or walk instead (I’m aware it isn’t always possible). And when walking or cycling, stop when you see a flower, then go smell it. Just don’t pick it – leave it so others can also enjoy it.

Pay attention to sounds. Really – stop and listen, perhaps with your eyes closed. You live this ONE life, so squeeze every single drop of experience from it.


The purpose of life is to leave this world at least a tiny bit better than how you found it. Go and do ALL the crazy things. Say yes to more. Wear the bright colours. Love, with all your heart, even when that risks breaking your heart.

It’s a beautiful world. Go live in it. .

2 thoughts on “My colours”

  1. If the world lived as you describe, it would be a better place. It’s the way I want to live mine. I recognise the location. I rode over it a couple of years ago on my way to see my sister in Cornwall. Yes, the hills are brutal. But the views from the top are worth it. Your latest newsletter asked about your cycling routes. I’ve done the Somerset Circle. Really enjoyed it.

    • Yeah, the photo was taken on Meldon Viaduct, just outside Okehampton, and part of the Granite Way (which in turn is part of the Devon Coast To Coast route).


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