
Two things happened recently:
1) I’ve been thinking about cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats as a charity fund raiser. As such I’ve been reading LOADS of blogs of people that have done either LeJog or JogLE (the other way round).
2) I took my youngest cycling to Radford Park in Plymouth, where we fed the ducks. After some time we set off home again and by Billacombe roundabout we encountered another cyclist cycling with loaded panniers & looking at the map on his handlebar bag. A quick comment of “Looks like you’re going far” soon developed in a conversation about his LeJog.

Now this may not seem unusual, as after all some 3000 cyclists do LeJog or JogLe every year. BUT they typically DON’T cycle through Plymouth!

I never got his name, but I wish the solo LeJog cyclist all the luck & good weather!

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