A return to cycling

I’ve been on holiday for two weeks – one of those laze all day by the poolside holidays – in the searing Turkish summer.
The resort was impressive, the food was good, the beach was nice and the pool was awesome! In fact, apparently it is the largest pool anywhere on the Med.

And I got lazy!

Now I believe a healthy dosage of doing nothing is very healthy, but two weeks worth of??? That’s seriously pushing the limits! In the end I fell into a routine of getting up at 05h30 (no kidding!) to place towels out on the sun loungers, else we’d not find any, followed by a 1,5 mile run on the beach.

In my dim & distant youth I loved running, but since then it has mostly lost its appeal to me. Still, at least it was SOME exercise! I’d follow the run up with some push-ups & sit-ups and on some days I’d go spend time in the resort’s gym. I don’t like exercise bikes, but I even spent time on those, as I was missing my bike!

As I expected, I just got more and more lazy, and this lethargy was proving to be a bit of a battle when we returned from holiday.

Last night was the first time since returning from holiday that I went on what was my usual night cycle. As I’ve been off the bike for practically three weeks, I took it easy and at first planned a shorter five mile ride.

As the miles went by I felt less tired than I expected I would, so I ended up doing the whole ten mile loop. A quick comparison on Sportpal.com confirmed what I had known: I was slower than normal, but surprisingly only marginally so.

And so I feel like I’ve returned to cycling. And with that I’m beginning to understand when people say one could become addicted to exercise!

Happy cycling!

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