Devon Coast-to-Coast tours

I’m planning on offering fully escorted Devon Coast-to-Coast (C2C) tours along National Cycle Network route 27 (NCN 27) over two or three days, to small groups, or perhaps even individuals.


The tours will include overnight accommodation at selected B & B’s along the way, as well as having all your luggage transferred each day to the next overnight stop. The two-day tour fits into a weekend, and we will cycle just over 50 miles per day, so a reasonable degree of fitness is required. The three-day option will include a Friday, and will take a far more leisurely pace.

A few others are offering such tours, except they don’t cycle along. Having cycled the route in its entirety, and parts of it many, many times, I offer the benefit of knowing the route. Having cycled it before, believe me when I say you can quite easily go off course, while the route signage leaves much to be desired.

Artistic bench on the Tarka Trail
So why would somebody want to have me cycle along? Lots of reasons, really. Some people may simply be not very good at navigation, and don’t want to get lost, while others may want somebody that can repair their bicycle if something went wrong. Some may feel vulnerable and would therefore require company. If diverting past Woolacombe beach, I can watch the bikes while you have a quick dip in the sea. Throughout the tour, I can take pictures of guests, so your group photos will always show the whole group. I will supply guests with a special web address that they can share with their friends or family, and which will allow their loved ones to track guests’ progress on a map, in real time.*

Devon C2C route is simply gorgeous, with stunning vistas, shady forests, open moorland, breath-taking viaducts, and much more. Most of the route is on traffic-free paths, often following the course of old railway lines.

Cycling Devon C2C with me is a quick and enjoyable breakaway that fits in with your schedule and your budget!

I haven’t quite decided on a name for the tours yet, and I’ll probably build a web site especially to market the tours. I also need to finalise any pricing, which in part is dependent on B & B prices.

UPDATE: I have now flung together a site, which you may find here:

Now most regular visitors to my blog are keen cyclists themselves, who quite understandably wouldn’t go on an escorted C2C tour. If you are one of those, can I ask you a huge favour? Please will you tell others about me and what I can offer? Many thanks!

*Some parts of the route I cannot keep the location map updated in real time, due to loss of signal.

4 thoughts on “Devon Coast-to-Coast tours”

  1. Sounds a great idea.

    A few years ago I did toy with the idea of running cycle tours of Manchester after I'd been on a very enjoyable pedal propelled tour of New York City. In the end I decided the two locations did not really compare and so shelved the idea (for now!).

    I wish you the best of luck and will post a blog on it this week.

  2. There are great things to explore in Devon and a day isn't enough to see them. It's better to have holiday cottages in Devon and get the most of your holiday season.


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