Gem Bridge – not long now!

I had reason to drive to Tavistock today, and on the way back I had literally a few minutes spare, so I quickly checked on the progress made with Gem Bridge. Only one photo, but it speaks volumes!

Gem Bridge and some random dog walker

The deck is in place throughout, and the railings are in place, too. In fact, it appears that the railings may be complete. From this vantage point I could see that although the deck is in place, the final surface isn’t in place yet.

The ramps at either end also need building, and at this stage I have no idea about the state of the track from the far side, back to Horabridge, but I suspect that still needs doing, too.
Can’t be long now!

2 thoughts on “Gem Bridge – not long now!”

  1. Have been there today(25/3/2012) and the hand rails are not in place and the desk need the to be finished and the on/off ramps also need finishing. The link to Grenofen Tunnel has been started but rough at the moment looks as though it has just been cleared of undergrowth. but after the tunnel a small bridge has yet to put in place but the clearing is continuing towards Tavistock. Its all looking really good roll on the opening.I do have some pictures if you want them for this blog

  2. Thanks for the update, and yes please, I'd love the pics. If you could put your e-mail in a comment, I can e-mail you back. Of course I won't publish that comment. 🙂

    The small bridge is Ashmill bridge, and it has some problems in that the surviving structure is a listed building so any changes have to be sympathetic to that.

    Really good to hear of even more progress, though.


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