NCN27? Here? I don’t think so!

In Devonport, Plymouth, I recently came across this sign:

This is on the corner of New Passage Hill and St Aubyn Road and clearly shows the route to be signed as NCN27.
Now NCN27 is the Devon Coast to Coast route that runs between Ilfracombe and Plymouth, but that ends at Millbay Docks in Plymouth, at the Continental Ferry Port. NCN2, which also runs through the city and which shares part of the route through Plymouth with NCN27, goes sort of near to where this sign is located – if you want to consider a mile or two to be near.
I imagine this was probably due to somebody at the council not being familiar with the route numbers, nor being too sure where the routes actually are but even if correct, that doesn’t help cyclists from out of town who could easily be confused by incorrect signage.

3 thoughts on “NCN27? Here? I don’t think so!”

  1. Hi Will

    Great blog. Doing the 27 this weekend starting in Plymouth. How many miles is it to Hatherleigh? Thinking of stopping over there on Saturday.

  2. It's a bit over 50 miles to Hatherleigh. Good choice for an overnight stop as you would have most of the hills behind you then. Good luck and let us know how you got on!

  3. Hey Will thanks for the reply. Weather has thankfully decided to behave itself it seems for the weekend now. Yes looking forward to a welcome beer saturday night and an easier ride further north the next day!


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