New Devon Coast To Coast guide!

I’m rather excited to share this with you! I’ve finished my Devon Coast To Coast guide, and it’s available right now!

I’ve known for a long time I should write a detailed guide, similar to the far shorter Drake’s Trail guide on this blog, but covering the whole NCN 27 route. Several years ago I actually started writing it, but in between then and now there was a considerable chunk of time, during which I didn’t touch it at all.

This summer I took more photos, and finished writing it. As a result, it’s now available to anyone who wants to buy it.
So why would you buy it? Well, I do believe it is the best, most detailed such guide available. And yes, I have looked at what else is available. My guide also includes information about the areas you’ll be cycling through, and by using QR codes in the guide, you can gain access to yet more content on the site.

QR codes are 2D barcodes you can scan with a smartphone, to be taken directly to the additional online content. Using QR codes means I can keep your guide book updated, even after it’s been printed.

But of course, given that I’m the author, I would sing the guide’s praises. Don’t just take my word for it – go make up your own mind! Click this link to be taken to the online shop, where you can not only buy the guide, but also read several pages of it, so you can make up your own mind.

WillCycle – Devon Coast To Coast
By William Nel-Barker

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