SheCycles – Lori

SheCycles are a series of posts highlighting women who cycle, in their own words, asking them a series of questions about themselves. I ask the same questions, and the women are free to answer only those questions they want to, and to interpret the questions in any way they want to.

The aim of SheCycles is not to highlight the Marianne Vos equivalents of the cycling world. Cycling, overall, is extremely male dominated, and a tiny handful of women athletes get the remainder of the attention. SheCycles is an attempt to focus on women you might pass by in the street, highlighting how each and every one of them are amazing, even if she’s just pootling to the shops in normal clothes, or if she’s competing in an event.

Click here to see all the SheCycles posts. When you’re done reading this post, do go read the other SheCycles posts.

Allow me to introduce the amazing Lori. Lori’s on Twitter as lorrrlane, and you should definitely follow her.


Tell us about you – what motivates you, what scares you, and what makes you happy?

My biggest motivation is having fun, being outdoors and trying to be healthy.  I still run and I swim outdoors now since pools shut – one day I’ll manage to combine all three and do a triathlon. Right now the future scares me; I feel like anything is possible, but not in a good way. And it worries me how much control just a few people have.  Family and friends make me happy.

What was the biggest challenge or obstacle you’ve had to face?
I think I used to be my own worst enemy in wondering if I’m good enough, fit enough, fast enough… so probably that mindset has been my biggest obstacle.  But I set myself challenges and pushed myself each time so that I made it.  I’ve got to the stage now where I feel at ease with my ability and I just enjoy the ride.

How did cycling change you?
Cycling made me realise that I was in fact quite strong and capable.  I became aware of how what I did can influence others, from my children to other family members, friends, colleagues.  The ripple effect is quite something.

How has your cycling impacted on your family life, and your life overall?
It might seem a bit cliched but it was the gateway for me in my adult life to dedicating some time to doing things for my own enjoyment and it’s helped me to set better priorities in life, around family, friends and work.

What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
I’d been on a bike ride to the Kelpies from Edinburgh and crossed the bridge over the Forth into the small town of Clackmannan.  Very hungry, I propped my bike outside the local shop and went in to buy some food.  When I got out there were three young boys, wearing those funky helmets with the mohicans. Their own bikes were scattered around mine and open-mouthed they asked me if that was my bike.  Yes, I said.  They were suitably impressed.  They asked me where I was cycling that day and I said I’d come from Edinburgh and was heading back that way but by a different route. They were amazed. Are you a cyclist? they asked.  I laughed.  Yes.  I suppose at that moment I realised I was.


Where would you most like to go cycling? Why there?
Right now I’d love to pop over to New Zealand to go cycling.  My daughter is currently there, having been lucky enough to get locked down in Wellington, so I’ve not seen her for over a year.  She also loves cycling and it would be just wonderful to go on a bike ride with her again.

If you could change ONE thing about cycling, what would that be?
The perception that cyclists are a homogenous group.

What bike do you ride? What made you choose that one? If you have multiple bikes, which is your favourite, and why?
My road bike is my favourite.  It’s a Specialised Roubaix Comp and it’s taken me on some wonderful adventures.

What advice would you offer to women who are thinking of starting to cycle, or are new cyclists?
Pick a bike you like and start pedalling.  There are no rights or wrongs.



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