ACAPS Dining Society

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! You are hereby formally invited to the ACAPS – DS event! ACAPS, as you should know, is the abbreviation for the Adventure Cycling And Philatelic Society, while DS is the abbreviation for the ACAPS Dining Society.

IMPORTANT: There is a dress code for all ACAPS DS events, and that dress code is formal. You have a choice between effectively a tuxedo, or an evening gown. And before any accusations of sexism arise, women are welcome to wear tuxedos and men are welcome to wear evening gowns. The dress code is not to dictate which of the two options you wear – that you can decide for yourself.

In case you’re curious, the photo is of Shivaji Shiva, and he’s modelling what the dress code is. Also, do yourself a favour and follow him on Twitter.

Do note that, as this is an ACAPS event, you may be challenged by other ACAPS members, to produce your postage stamp, and that failure to do so may result in penalties. Also, attending the event means you’ve effectively joined ACAPS, and so therefore are subject to all ACAPS rules..

Other rules to the event are:

  • You must cycle to the event. There will be no exceptions! (Combining cycling with other forms of transport is acceptable, but the final stretch must be cycled)
  • You will provide and prepare your own meal
  • The dress code doesn’t extend to footwear and cycling shoes are acceptable
  • You must camp overnight
  • Alcohol consumption is optional
  • Those in breach of the dress code may be asked to leave
Please save us all the embarrassment of needing to turn anyone away? For clarity, no, a cycling jersey with a tuxedo printed on it remains a cycling jersey, and will not meet the dress code. Proper decorum at such an illustrious and respectable event is important, and a s a result, the dress code will be rigidly enforced.

ACAPS DS events will be held in places that aren’t easily reachable. This means your bike will need to be capable of cycling over potentially rough terrain, while carrying all your camping gear.

The inaugural event will be held on Dartmoor, at a place called Redlake. To get there, you will need to cycle 9 miles along a rough track, with a surface varying from bumpy, to fist-sized loose rocks, with stretches of mud thrown in for good measure.

It will be on a Saturday night, in the middle of August, with the exact date to be confirmed.

Redlake is awash with ancient history, and for those who like wild-swimming, has a sizeable pond in which you can swim (whether you go swimming in your formal dress is optional, but we advise against it).

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