Colliers Way traffic-free cycle route

Colliers Way Cycle Route Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Colliers Way is a disused railway in Somerset. Sustrans says it stretches for 17.5 miles from Frome to Monkton Combe. However, from Radstock to Monkton Combe is mainly on-road, albeit mostly on (normally) quiet lanes. As a result, this guide covers just the segment from Frome to Radstock, a ride of 10.2 miles, measured from Frome train station.

Even that isn’t the full picture: the first 4.7 miles are almost entirely on-road, first through Frome, then along quiet rural lanes. There’s a mile of uphill when leaving Frome.

So far it might sound negative, but please don’t be put off. The route from From station takes a circuitous path, including a few shorter traffic-free segments, before sticking to quiet lanes that are a pleasure to cycle on. The last bit in Radstock is on roads again, but they’re either quiet, or limited to 20mph.

I ended the route at The Riverbank, a restaurant/coffee shop in Radstock. From Radstock, there a short on-road segment, before continuing towards the Two Tunnels Greenway. It is just 11 miles to Bath, with just over six of that completely traffic-free.

It is possible to get a train from Bath to Frome, then cycle the combined Colliers Way and Two Tunnels Greenway back to Bath.

Surface on Colliers Way

The surface is tarred almost throughout and is rideable pretty much in all weather (black ice risk in mid-winter excepted).


Bikes with bigger tyres are better, but road bikes should be fine.


There are toilets at Frome train station, and at The Riverbank in Radstock.


Safety: ⭐⭐⭐
Hilliness: ⭐⭐⭐
Refreshment stops: ⭐
Barriers: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Surface: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐

The grading system I use is explained here.

Points of Interest

Cheddar Gorge is not overly far away.
The Wookey Hole is nearby(ish), as is Wells, England’s smallest city. Glastonbury Tor isn’t too far away, either.

Routes in Somerset


You should have no trouble accessing the Colliers Way with any normal bike, including tandems. Trikes and cargo bikes should be OK too.

Forecast for Colliers Way

What Colliers Way looks like

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DayCycle routes are routes can can easily be cycled by most people in a day, or part of a day. Do have a look at all the other DayCycle routes available on WillCycle. Many contain detailed route guides, as well as embedded maps (like the one below) from which you can download the GPX file for the route.

1 thought on “Colliers Way traffic-free cycle route”

  1. Also not too far off route NW – Farleigh Hungerford, British’s oldest swimming club – a stretch of the River Frome for a very reasonable annual membership.
    Nice long deep sections for the keen, perfect intro to ‘wild swimming’ ( or as we used to call it – swimming) for the less bold.


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