Two Tunnels Greenway

Two Tunnels Greenway Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

The Two Tunnels Greenway got it’s name because (you guessed it!) the route runs through two tunnels. One of those, the Combe Down Tunnel, is just over a mile long, and is the longest tunnel on a traffic-free cycling route in the UK.

For the purposes of this guide, I mapped the route all the way from Radstock, so you can link the Collier Way with this route, for a great day out. The full route described here is 10.9 miles, of which 6.5 miles are traffic-free.

This is a stunning and varied route. Though almost five miles are on roads, they are mainly quiet rural lanes. You will notice that you’ve left the Somerset Levels though, as some hills may be steeper than you’d like. Still, there are no seriously challenging hills for a moderately fit cyclist along this route.

Leaving Radstock is via roads for a short stint, before picking up a traffic-free section of disused railway, with a nice tarred surface. That ends in a rural lane, and it’s rural lanes all the way through Wellow. Shortly after Wellow, you will join the traffic-free Two Tunnels Greenway, all the way into Bath.


The surface varies. The roads and rural lanes all have a good tarred surface, as does the initial mile of traffic-free path, shortly after Radstock. The Two Tunnels Greenway starts off with a short tarred segment, but soon you will be riding on self-compacting gravel. The gravel section is potholed in places, and get get a bit muddy after the rain. After a while, and before the tunnels, the surface is tarred again.


Almost any type of bike is suitable, but bikes with chunkier tyres will be better. Because of the potholes surface in parts, trikes might struggle.


Toilets may be found in Radstock, at The Riverbank, at the Fox & Badger in Wellow, at the Rider’s Rest Tea Rooms just outside Wellow, as well as at various locations in Bath.

Points of Interest

The route passes quite close to the Stoney Littleton Long Barrow, a Neolithic tomb dating back some 3 500 years.
Also of note is the Tucking Mill viaduct.
Combe Down Tunnel has an audio-visual installation in the tunnel, which will be a pleasant surprise for you.

Routes in Somerset


Though there are no A-frame barriers, there are several gates along the route.


Safety: ⭐⭐⭐
Hilliness: ⭐⭐⭐
Refreshment stops: ⭐⭐
Barriers: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Surface: ⭐⭐⭐

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐

The grading system I use is explained here.

Forecast for the Two Tunnels Greenway

What it looks like

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DayCycle routes are routes can can easily be cycled by most people in a day, or part of a day. Do have a look at all the other DayCycle routes available on WillCycle. Many contain detailed route guides, as well as embedded maps (like the one below) from which you can download the GPX file for the route.

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