Par Beach Trail traffic-free cycle route

Par Beach Trail Cycle Route Overall Grading: ⭐⭐⭐

The Par Beach Trail is a two-mile, mostly traffic-free cycling route that forms part of the Cornish Clay Trails series of routes. The Clay Trails get their name from china clay mining, which helped shape the landscape through which the trails run. Just be aware that cycling isn’t permitted on all the Clay Trails (but is permitted on this one).

The start is on Station Road, in St Blazey, but it’s extremely easy to miss.

After the first 1.5 miles, the trail rudely deposits you on Moorland Road. Officially, you’re meant to turn left here (it’s a one-way).
Do not do that, as it will feed you onto the busy and nasty Eastcliffe Road.
Instead, if you can, turn right and walk your bike the distance of six houses. When you get to Nr 30 Moorland Rd, you will see a small lane running down past that house. Follow that lane – it will turn 90 degrees to the right, then 90 degrees to the left.

When that lane ends in a T-junction with Par Green (a one-way heading right) simply turn left. Two houses further, you will see the Par Beach Trail continuing between the houses.


The surface varies between tar and fine, compacted gravel. It can be a little bumpy in places, but is overall in fair condition.


Any standard bicycle can use the trail. Trikes, tandems and cargo bikes will struggle, if the can get through at all.


There are toilets at the Par train station, and at the Par Beach Café.


Safety: ⭐⭐⭐
Hilliness: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Flat)
Refreshment stops: ⭐⭐
Barriers: ⭐⭐⭐
Surface: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐

The grading system I use is explained here.

Points of Interest

Eden Project is nearby, and of course this particular trail ends at Par Beach.

Routes in Cornwall


There are some barriers along the route. Especially by the train station, there are chicane barriers that are a bit tight.

Forecast for the Par Beach Trail

What the Par Beach Trail looks like

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Getting to the Par Beach Trail

It is possible to cycle to the start, mostly traffic-free, from St Austell. Alternatively, you can take the train to Par station. Before taking your bike on the train, be sure to read my Bikes On Trains guide.

More Routes

To find more routes, click this link.


DayCycle routes are routes can can easily be cycled by most people in a day, or part of a day. Do have a look at all the other DayCycle routes available on WillCycle. Many contain detailed route guides, as well as embedded maps (like the one below).

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