Some people can only be happy when they things to moan about, and in the absence of valid reasons, they’ll invent some. Those people will try and tell you that the UK somehow is an awful place to explore by bicycle.
Don’t listen to them! The UK is a stunningly beautiful country, and the best way to explore it is under your own power, at your own pace, while cycle touring. Here are ten things that you will love about cycle touring in the UK.
1 – The history
The UK is simply swamped with history. Roughly 20 miles from where I live is the longest row of ancient standing stones on the planet, and well-preserved remains of a Bronze-age village, pre-dating the Romans!
Exeter has medieval underground passages, while the Midlands and the North is absolutely covered in Industrial Revolution relics. All you need to do is pick which historic era you want to cycle through!
2 – The scenery
From Welsh mountains, to Scottish wilderness, to Cornish beaches, to cityscapes, to the the bleak, raw beauty of Dartmoor in mid-winter – the UK offers so much choice!
Don’t like hills? Go cycle in Norfolk (but be warned about the winds!) Like picture-postcard villages? Go cycle through Wiltshire or the Cotswolds. You are absolutely spoilt for choice.
3 – The people
British people tend to be very friendly. There’s enormous regional rivalry, but that’s usually friendly banter. Do yourself the favour and escape the cities though. Time spent in various village pubs along your tour will allow you to speak with a myriad of different people. On longer tours, you’ll get to experience the changing regional dialects, too.
4 – The food
Many people claim British food is bland. Those people seem to never have tasted any British food. From traditional fry-ups, to kormas and curries, Thai, Japanese cuisine, Italian, Chinese, plus so much more, the UK is a foodie’s paradise.
However, if you’re going to stick to eating only in the same kinds of places all the time, expect to be disappointed, but that would be through your own choice.
5 – The traffic-free cycle routes
Sure, the UK lags well behind Europe in terms of traffic-free cycle paths, but there still are plenty of options available, to suit your choice of bike and riding style. All you need to know is where to find them!