Le Grand Tour – by Andrew P Sykes

I’ve a confession to make, right from the outset: I’ve read all of Sykes’ books, and I’m a big fan of his work. Why am I starting a book review with this disclosure? Simple: this will be a positive review. However, it’s a positive review because it’s a great book, and not because of his … Read more

Cycle tour destroyer

If like me, you spend considerable time planning and preparing for a cycle tour, then you’ll be excited when the day comes to go cycle touring. Finally, a chance to escape the everyday humdrum of life, and explore the world in the best way possible: on two wheels, and under your own efforts. Because you’re … Read more

Book review – Wild Camping the Wild Atlantic Way

Wild Camping the Wild Atlantic Way - a book about cycle touring the Wild Atlantic Way

Every traveller’s journey is unique to them, and is a snapshot in time. This book tells the story of when I cycled the bottom half of Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way. If I had to cycle exactly the same route today, I’d end up with a completely new, and different experience. This is my adventure, and … Read more

Top ten worst things about cycle touring

Obviously, I remain an enormous fan of cycle touring, and often wish I was financially able to go cycle touring for half the year, every year. And why not? After all, you get to experience so many wonderful things, see stunning sights, and meet interesting people along the way. However, cycle touring isn’t just moonshine … Read more

10 Cycle touring mistakes

ten mistakes when cycle touring

We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. Here’s a list of mistakes that are easy to make when cycle touring, and easy to avoid. 1 – Not taking your time My advice for planning a tour is simple: take your leisurely cycling speed, on a laden bike and similar terrain, then work out what … Read more

Keeping your cool

How to keep cool when cycle touring on hot days

With climate change comes the reality of hotter days. When cycle touring, that has real-world implications for you, in multiple ways. You No matter how advanced we may think of ourselves as a species, the fact remains that we’re still only mammals. That means our bodies like to remain with a core temperature of around … Read more


Few people get to experience what it is really like to be free. Free from all responsibilities. Free from being a slave to a clock. Free from so much of what society expects of you. Free to choose where to go, and when to do so. Reality intrudes Oh, believe me, I get it! You … Read more

Use your noodle

“Use your head” typically is the same as saying “Think it through”, but there’s far more to this. Like any muscle, your brain responds very well to sustained aerobic exercise. Physical exercise for my brain? Yes, absolutely! Look, doing puzzles, like sudoku or similar, is a good workout for your brain, but doing physical exercise … Read more

Climbing the Grand Colombier – Part 3

This is the third and final part of Roy Everitt’s adventure, that saw his travel to go cycle up the Grand Colombier – on a laden touring bike. Be sure to first read Part 1 and Part 2. Train to Lyon While I was catching the train to Lyon on Bastille day, three days earlier, … Read more


light sea dawn landscape

Vagabond is define as “a person who wanders from place to place without a fixed home”. Traditionally used as a slur, but oh how times have changed! Cycle tourers are vagabonds! It’s true! When you go cycle touring, you’re literally moving from place to place, without a fixed home (while on tour). That’s the very … Read more

Who wants to be a smelly tramp?

water drop

There’s an inescapable reality about cycle touring and wild camping: there’s no on-suite bathroom with built-in shower. Personal hygiene is important at any time, but certainly comes to the fore when cycle touring and wild camping. Having said that, there are many things you can do to maintain personal hygiene. Wipes or flannels to the … Read more

The Beginner’s Guide to Designing a Cycle Route

Tired of cycling the same old routes, and ready to broaden your horizons? Then this post if for you! This is a long and detailed guide, so set some time aside to read all of it. What makes a good cycle route? Ask 100 cyclists that, and you’ll get 100 different answers. However, there will … Read more

Five things you’ll love about cycle touring the UK

Some people can only be happy when they things to moan about, and in the absence of valid reasons, they’ll invent some. Those people will try and tell you that the UK somehow is an awful place to explore by bicycle. Don’t listen to them! The UK is a stunningly beautiful country, and the best … Read more

So it went wrong

The Internet is awash with glitzy, highly-polished tales of jaw-dropping adventures in stunning and exotic locations, illustrated with often wonderful pictures. That’s the show-reel, to draw you in. Do not for one moment think all adventures are like that! Sooner or later, something will go badly wrong on an adventure. That’s all part of the … Read more

Aero Bars On A Touring Bike

Aero bars, also called tri-bars, are attached to your bike’s handlebars, with the primary purpose to get your body into a far more aerodynamic position. They’re mostly used by riders doing time-trials or triathlons (hence the tri-bars moniker) but they do offer benefits outside of those two fields. I recently ordered a set of aero … Read more

Just go on and do it

I’m well aware that Nike has copyright on that phrase, which is why I changed it a tad here, but I expect even the mighty Nike will agree with what I’m saying here: Stop putting it off and just do it! (Strictly speaking, I’m agreeing with what Nike so aptly put in their slogan, and … Read more

Couch to Cycle Camping

You heard about Couch to 5k, right? This is vaguely similar, only instead of trying to get you to run 5 kilometres, let’s get you cycle camping. Said hey babe, take a walk on the wild side I make no secret of the fact that I believe wild camping is the best camping. There are … Read more

Cycle touring – the little things

The Internet’s awash with cycle touring packing lists – there’s one on here, too. However, there are at least two very important items that most packing lists forget to tell you about, but we’ll get to those in a bit. Daft as a brush Have you seen videos, or read write-ups of people cutting their … Read more

Cycling Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way

Go Mall is Gaelic for "slow", and slow perfectly describes the very best way to cycle the Wild Atlantic Way

I want to tell you about Ireland. My Ireland. No, I’m not Irish, and obviously I don’t own the place. That’s not what I mean when I say my Ireland. My Ireland Each of us live our own lives, and we have our own experiences. When I talk about my Ireland, I’m referring to my … Read more

Wild Atlantic Way – the things that went wrong

One of the things that’s important to accept before going cycle touring is that things can, and often do go wrong. Being mentally prepared for that will leave you prepared for when things do go wrong. With that said, here are the annoyingly-long list of things that went wrong on my Wild Atlantic Way ride. … Read more