Just go on and do it

I’m well aware that Nike has copyright on that phrase, which is why I changed it a tad here, but I expect even the mighty Nike will agree with what I’m saying here: Stop putting it off and just do it! (Strictly speaking, I’m agreeing with what Nike so aptly put in their slogan, and I consider it arguably the most honest and positive slogan marketers ever came up with!)

The “it” in this case is cycle touring. I’ve written many posts, giving help, advice, kit reviews, and more. In fact, if you search Google (at the time of writing this, for beginner’s guide to cycle touring, this site is in Search Position Number One. The only result above that is Sustrans’ ad, which they paid for.

No more Mr Nice Guy!

(Read the following sentence in a very stern voice): So, what excuses are you using for not having gone cycle touring yet? Let’s look at some of the usual ones, and get them out of the way.

I don’t like camping
Some people dislike camping, and that’s OK. Life would be boring if we all loved exactly the same things. However, there are these amazing things called hotels, inns and B&Bs.

I have nobody to go with
I often have Travelling Ouballie rides (click the link to read what they’re about, and how to pronounce it) and those are open-invite rides, usually of around 100 miles over three days. You’d be most welcome to join us.

I don’t own a touring bike
Strictly speaking, nor do I! Mine’s a modified gravel bike. More importantly, my mate Caspar (do yourself a favour and follow him on Twitter) goes cycle-touring on his 3-speed Brompton. I know marketers would like you to buy a new bike for each and every slightly-different type of cycling, but you can go touring on any type of bike. Yes, even a penny farthing!

I’m too scared of the roads
Now that’s a valid fear, but there are ways around it. For example, the Devon Coast To Coast route (just shy of 100 miles) is traffic-free for roughly three quarters, with the remainder on usually quiet rural lanes.
Alternatively, consider touring some of the many traffic-free EuroVelo routes in Europe.

I’m too nervous, as I’ve never done anything like that before
Nervous? Good! That means you’ll be doing something that challenges your limits, and that’s how we grow as people. Besides, you’ll find your nerves soon disappear if you went cycle touring with an easy-going group of people, who are experienced cycle tourers.

No regrets!

It’s summer while I’m writing this, and in the depth of winter you’ll have regrets that you didn’t try out cycle touring. After all, for how many years can you “postpone” something before realisation sets in that you’ll never do it?

Avoid those regrets! Go cycle touring! Yes, even if only with a single night’s stay-over.

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