
Few people get to experience what it is really like to be free. Free from all responsibilities. Free from being a slave to a clock. Free from so much of what society expects of you. Free to choose where to go, and when to do so.

Reality intrudes

Oh, believe me, I get it! You have a job, and many other commitments. You probably have people in your life who rely on you. You have deadlines to meet, and various other important things, from which you can’t walk away.

Only, nobody’s suggesting that you simply quit your job and walk away from anything!

A temporary escape

The nearest thing to true freedom most of us will ever experience is by going cycle touring. We’re not talking about taking a year out – a bike tour can be as short as a weekend.

Simply load up your bike, and for at least a day or two, escape the world. It will ground you, and feed your soul.

When your world is reduced to looking at views, avoiding potholes, and wondering where your next coffee stop will be, your mind will be freed from the constraints of normal life.

Tired, but happy

Depending on your level of fitness, the terrain you chose to cycle through, the gearing on your bike and the weight of your kit, you might end each day being physically weary.

In fact, a cycle tour done right is one from which you return tired, but happy. Your muscles will let you know that they loved being freed from your normally far more sedentary life.

The science

A recent study from Edinburg Uni shows that cycling is great for your mental health, and that people who cycle commute are considerably less likely to be prescribed medication for anxiety or depression.

There is additional research about the benefits of what the researchers call green exercise – exercise in green, non-urban environments. When cycle touring, you get plenty of exercise, and most of that will be green exercise. All of that contributes to free your mind.

Freedom to eat what you want

Food allergies aside, when cycle touring, usually your only concern would be consuming enough calories. It’s quite normal to burn over 7 000 calories on some days, and those calories need to be replenished.

As a result, if you’re a foodie that has to watch their weight, go cycle touring, and experience the freedom to eat what you want!

All that remains is for you to choose which route you’ll take when you go cycle touring, pick the dates, get in the saddle and start pedalling. Freedom is just a few pedals strokes away.

2 thoughts on “Free”

  1. Hi Will,

    Good to read your #51 Spirit of Adventure, it has a great effect on my morale, as we hopefully move towards the sunny uplands of spring and summer. Being an old boy, I do not get out on my bike enough, but the spirit is young even if the body is not as willing as it was. I had open heart surgery last February and have just been given “all green lights” by the cardiologist, so I intend that this year will be very different from the last three. Also, deciding to make my tours a bit less strenuous, I am just about to take delivery of a Reise & Mueller Charger 2 from Chris Childs at Cornwall Fullycharged in Liskeard, so have been busy looking at tour routes; at your suggestion also using Ride with GPS. I have already planned and booked a 300 mile tour in Southern Holland for September and now looking at some 3 day tours; maybe one in North Cornwall/ Devon from Okehampton via Holsworthy, Bude ( where I grew up), Bideford and the Tarka Trail and one from up here in Cirencester around Wiltshire. I fancy digging out my Terra Nova and Primus and trying a bit of camping but at 70 i’m not sure that that is pushing it too far – and my wife may have strong words with me!! All the best to you and keep up the good work. Andrew Higson

    • Hi Andrew,
      Really good news about being given the all-clear by your cardiologist! As for making tours less strenuous, that sounds like a good plan, and ebikes are simply amazing. I’d go as far as to say anyone claiming they’re somehow “cheating” are simply jealous that they don’t have one!
      Your planned tours sound amazing – please do let us know how they went?
      Best of luck,


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