
WillCycle isn’t meant to be political, as in, I have deliberately and intentionally kept politics off this site. I’m not about to change that. This is not a political post. Instead, it’s a call for basic human decency, and human rights, alongside a call to accept the rule of law.

Have you ever heard someone say “I wonder how the Nazis managed to get as far a they did? Why didn’t ordinary people stop them?”
What is happening in Gaza right now absolutely is genocide, and I cannot be silent about it. Ordinary people – like you and me – need to speak up!

I have, for many years, openly stated that I believe Israel is an Apartheid regime. Having grown up in one, believe me when I say I have first-hand experience of it.

Don’t “both-sides” this

Hamas is a scumbag death-cult. I do not, and have never supported Hamas. I do not support their atrocities. However, that doesn’t erase the fact that Israel has been illegally occupying Palestinian land, in direct contravention of numerous UN Resolutions.

Put differently, if some foreign power invaded part of your country, would you simply accept it, or would you fight back? Would you idly stand by while that foreign occupier implemented deliberate starvation tactics against innocent civilians?

Remember, the Geneva Convention states that “The occupying power has the duty to ensure that the adequate provision of food and medical supplies is provided, as well as clothing, bedding, means of shelter, other supplies essential to the survival of the civilian population of the occupied territory, and objects necessary for religious worship.”

Israel is deliberately failing to provide all that, and instead is continuing to kill innocent civilians, in their own land. Because of this, the International Criminal Court (part of the UN) issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu, as well as the Hamas leader, for war crimes.

As far as I’m concerned, Hamas did commit war crimes, and should face the full force of the law. However, the scale of the war crimes and genocide Israel responded with is absolutely shocking. Deliberate and intentional genocide is far, far worse.

One side did evil (in response to many decades of evil) and the other side responded with unspeakable evil, that’s simply off the scale.

What can I do?

Besides continuously talking about the plight of the Palestinian people, there’s very little you or me can do.

We can, however, refuse to support Israeli companies, and refuse to buy Israeli goods or produce. I also refuse to spend money with Western companies that continue to invest and operate in Israel. At very least, we should all stop supporting companies economically active in the illegally occupied territories. That list includes Airbnb, Expedia, Opodo, Booking.com, JCB, Motorola, Greenkote and TripAdvisor.

Furthermore, I refuse to support any artists that choose to perform in Israel. I also ask others to do the same.

Beyond that, there is very little I can do. Except this: I can .

What is ?

In short, it’s simply going for a bike ride, and encouraging others to join you. If you can, consider wearing a keffiyeh, or perhaps having a Palestinian flag on display, but it’s quite alright not to display anything.

Importantly, please use the hashtag in all social media posts about your ride, and explain that you’re doing it so we keep talking about the plight of the Palestinian people. Also encourage others to do the same. I didn’t come up with the hashtag – I believe The Big Ride For Palestine did.

Consider following The Big Ride for Palestine on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Next, please consider joining some of their organised rides.

But at very least, please go on a . Any distance, any time, alone or with others, but ride. Then use the hashtag to tell others about it.

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