Farewell 2009!

And suddenly 2009 is gone, vanished, never to be seen again!

I’m not really one for analysing the past year, nor do I believe in New Year’s Resolutions. To be fair, I quit smoking on the 3rd of Jan, 2008, but that was pure co-incidence. I woke up that morning & realised that it was a good day to quit. Obviously I’d been thinking about quitting for a long time, but hadn’t set any arbitrary deadlines. Instead, I found the right day for me, and quit. I’ve never smoked since.

Still, I digress. 2009 was a memorable year for me, for lots of reasons including the fact that I first started commuting by bike, then later sold my car and became car-free.

My very last bike ride of 2009 was yesterday afternoon, when my son & I took our dog, Monty, for a run. I don’t have any fancy dog-lead attachment for my bike (though I really should get something) so instead I cycle one-handed, holding the Monty’s lead in the other hand. Monty has no road sense, so I absolutely have to keep him on a

Monty is a cross Jack Russell & Shi Tzu (JackShiT for short!) and a great family dog. Though a small dog, he loves it when I take him out on the bike and often drags me along, even up mild inclines!

Yesterday we did 2,5 miles, which is about Monty’s limit, even if a rather short bike ride. Despite it being only a very little ride, I was glad I managed to squeeze in at least some ride before the year was out.

Today 2010 started gloriously, with blue skies & sunlight – a rarity in Plymouth in winter. Later today I’ll be taking my youngest daughter on a bike ride, probably to Saltram House and back, which is around 6 miles.

Life is good!

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