WeCycle – a Redlake guided adventure

I’m offering a guided wild-camping, gravel cycling experience. There are just five places available, so grab yours at just £86 per person, before they sell out. It will be over the weekend of Saturday, 12th of June.

Please read the Ts & Cs on the EventBrite event page before buying a ticket, as buying a ticket means you agree to those terms and conditions.

I’ve posted a DayCycle route guide to Redlake before, and I suggest you read that first. We’ll start by meeting at the Sportman’s Inn, Ivybridge, at 13h00 (I’ll probably be there from around 12h00). There’s a reason for that: I wanted somewhere protected from the elements to start, as we’ll start off by reviewing how to distribute weight through luggage on the bike.

This may involve you re-packing your panniers, or bike-packing bags, and for that we want to be under cover, in case it rains (though the chances of rain in June aren’t very high).

Once we’ve done all that, and have everything back on our bikes, we’ll set off for Redlake, but via a somewhat different route to the one listed in my DayCycle guide.

About  me
I trained as a British Cycling Ride Leader years ago, and I’ve taken hundreds of groups out on rides, on the roads, as well as on traffic-free paths. I’m an avid cycle tourer, and typically wild-camp when out on multi-day rides. I have a military background and have done the sort of camping that makes my cycle wild-camping seem posh and glamourous by comparison, so you’ll be in good hands.


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