WillCycle Adventure Fund

I’m setting up the WillCycle Adventure Fund, which will be a crowdfunded annual award of (hopefully) £250. Applicants to the fund will need to submit their request as a comment to this post, detailing why they should receive the money. I will publish all the applications in a future post, and ask you to vote on your favourite, in a winner-takes-all contest. There will be no runner-up prizes. To be perfectly clear, you are submitting a comment that explains why you should receive the money. Once you received the money (assuming you won) you can spend it however you want. Yes, you can even spend it in pubs along the way. The only expectations are that you’ll do a write-up to tell the rest of us about your adventure, and that it will be a cycling adventure. Well, given that we at least part-funded the adventure, wanting to hear how it went really isn’t too much to ask, now is it.

As this is a crowd-funded approach, there’s zero guarantee that we will actually reach the £250 target, and even if you win, you accept that the amount you receive may be significantly less. To be perfectly clear, I will not receive a penny of the funds raised, and it will all go to the winner that received the most votes, except of course for the GoFundMe fees.

The Rules

Any competition needs rules, and this one’s no different, so here goes:
1) The winner will be decided by whomever receives the most votes, so ask everyone you know to vote for your application.
2) The target we’re hoping to achieve is £250, but the actual amount raised may well be far lower. It would really help if you can motivate others to donate.
3) You’re free to spend the money as you want to, but the winner agrees to do a write-up of their adventure, to be published on WillCycle.
4) Your adventure must involve cycling, and not simply hiring a bicycle for 5 minutes in some exotic destination. Cycling must be central to your adventure.
5) There will be only a single winner, to be decided by votes. Should more than one entry have the same number of votes, I will use the same random picker I use for my T-shirt give-aways to pick a winner.
6) Entering the competition means you agree to all these rules
7) Entries can be made until midnight, 31st of March 2022, when the competition will close to new entries. After the competition closed for entries, I will publish all entries, and voting will commence. Voting will close at midnight on the 30th of April 2022, after which the winner will be announced.
8) If you’re the winner, I will need to obtain bank account details from you. Do not give me your bank details until I confirmed you as the winner.
9) Donating to the GoFundMe doesn’t prevent you from entering the competition. You are free to enter and to donate!
10) If we exceed the target of £250, the winner will receive the target amount (less GoFundMe’s fees) and the remainder will go into the next WillCycle Adventure Fund draw. You can easily monitor the amounts, as the GoFundMe totals are open for everyone to see.

The GoFundMe page is here – remember, for this to work, we all need to make a donation, even if it’s only £5 each.

Good luck, and happy adventuring!

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