November Coffee Ride

Every month I’m doing a Coffee Ride, and every month the coffee spot will be in a different place. If you’re in the area, you’d be most welcome to join me.
If you do join me, just remember to bring your own kit to brew a coffee.

What’s a Coffee Ride?

That’s easy: a Coffee Ride is a bike ride that has no purpose other than to go brew up a fresh cup of coffee somewhere outside. You can read full details by clicking this link.

Mountbatten Pier

The Coffee Ride for November ’22 will stop at Mountbatten Pier, Plymouth, at 10h00. This is on a best-effort basis, and is by no means a commitment carved in stone. If you can join me, that’d be wonderful. If you can’t, that’s OK too.

But why? What’s the point?

If you really need to ask, then perhaps a Coffee Ride is not for you. Just like a good bike ride doesn’t need a reason, a Coffee Ride doesn’t, either. Sure, you can cycle to a café and buy a coffee, but aren’t you bored with that yet?

Add a smidgeon of adventure to your life. Do something different. Do something just because you can. Go on a Coffee Ride!

Organise your own

If you live too far away from Plymouth, why not organise your own Coffee Ride? It doesn’t have to be far, as long as you cycle there and back, and brew some coffee, then it’s perfect. Oh, and if you do organise your own Coffee Ride, why not tell me (and others) about it, via the comments below?

Cycling and coffee – it’s the perfect combination!

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