Nun’s Cross Trail cycle route

Nun’s Cross Trail cycle route overall rating:
(Colour explanation: blue = good, yellow indicates some warning, and red indicates issues to be aware of)

Nun’s Cross Trail runs from Norsworthy Bridge, Burrator to Princetown, 4.5 miles away. It is graded as a Red route, because there is a stretch where you’ll be riding uphill, over loose rocks, some of which are the size of bowling balls.

This route can be combined with the Princetown Railway for a 12.5 loop, starting and ending in Princetown.

Surface of Nun’s Cross Trail

The surface varies considerably. In places it is quite firm, though unsealed throughout. In other places, it can be surprisingly sandy, and for a significant stretch it is full of loose rocks.
Along much of the route the surface can be quite loose.


You’ll need a gravel bike, a sturdy hybrid or ideally a mountain bike.


If you’re lucky, there’d be an ice-cream van at Norsworthy Bridge. Other than that, the only other place is in Princetown itself.


There are toilets available in Princetown only.


Topping out at 9%, on a bumpy, off-road surface, you’ll soon discover this route goes uphill from the start.

Safety from traffic

There are no cars on this route.

Forecast for Nun’s Cross Trail

What Nun’s Cross Trail looks like

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Getting to Nun’s Cross Trail

Sadly, your only options of getting there is to either cycle there, or drive there. Parking is free by Norsworthy Bridge, and there’s a pay and display car park in Princetown, as well as free on-road parking in places.

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DayCycle routes are routes can can easily be cycled by most people in a day, or part of a day. Do have a look at all the other DayCycle routes available on WillCycle.

Interactive map for Nun’s Cross Trail

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