WillCycle Adventure Fund Winner

We  have  a  winner!

When I started the WillCycle Adventure Fund, I was naïve enough to think it would  be far more popular than it turned out to be. I was quite mistaken, but at least we have one lucky winner. Given how unpopular this was, there won’t be another one, but that’s neither bad news, nor moaning. Instead, it is simply a reflection of reality. I misjudged things, and that was my mistake, not anyone else’s. Having said that, many of you supported this enough for us to have raised £95, and that’s a win.

We had few entries, and I asked you lot to vote, by way of leaving comments. The comments were overwhelmingly in favour of Entry D, which was Paul’s entry.

I’ve notified Paul, and started the process to allow him to directly withdraw the funds from the GoFundMe (they make you jump through hoops a bit).

Paul’s agreed to do a write-up about their adventure, which I’ll publish on here in August, or perhaps September, so do look out for it.


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