Giveaway – Food For The Road

Food  For  The Road

Food  For  The Road is a new cookbook with a difference: it’s aimed specifically at cooking delicious meal, using just a single pot. The booklet is small – intentionally so – and will take up no space at all in your panniers. It contains 19 recipes, one of which is for trail mix, to be made at home. The remainder is for camping cooking, using just a single burner camping stove.


From the outset, this was designed for people who enjoy cycle camping, and to the best of my knowledge, there’s simply nothing else like it available. It was printed as a limited print run by a company that specialises in book printing, and there currently are just ten copies available. One of those ten I’m keeping for myself, and one I’m giving away for free. The remaining eight are available to buy from my shop. I’m making almost no profit on these books – limited print runs are not cheap! In fact, if I sold all remaining eight copies, I’ll break even. If these are popular – they may or may not be – I might do another print run. If I never do another print run, then these are all the copies that ever will exist.

A  camping  cookbook?

Indeed! See, I’m a rubbish cook, especially when camping, so I wanted a cookbook that can help someone like me prepare a scrummy, filling and nutritious meal quite easily. If you’re a skilled chef, you may laugh at the simplicity of these recipes, but truly, this book was designed for people like me. The booklet is A6 size, with a glossy cover, and matt pages, all professionally bound.

How  do  I  enter?

Entry is simple, BUT there are rules, so read them carefully! For starters, you must follow WillCycle on Twitter. Remember, if you just follow, then unfollow, your entry will be voided. Next, click this link to create a tweet, then send it. I’ll be tracking the hashtag to see who entered, so if your tweet doesn’t contain the hashtag, your entry won’t count.
As ever, I’ll use the online random picker to select the winner. Obviously, if you’re the lucky winner, you’ll need to let me have an address to post it out to you.

The winner will be announced at the end of June. Best of luck!

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