Every adventure counts

A  small  adventure  is  still  an  adventure

We live in a hyper-competitive world, where (almost) everyone is constantly trying to outdo the next person. UK politicians are forever bleating about “world-beating” this and “world-beating” that. But you know what? It doesn’t have to be this way. Bigger isn’t always better, and even when it is, it really doesn’t matter.

Your  adventure,  your way

Do not ever fall for the delusion that you simply must cross Antartica before you can say you’ve had an adventure. Such thoughts are simply wrong and can cause real harm. So many people didn’t have a perfectly good adventure, purely because they felt theirs would be overshadowed by someone else’s.

This is your life. Live in on your own terms, and don’t let others define what you can or cannot do.

Gentle  adventure

I’m a huge fan of what I call gentle adventure. A great example would be cycling the Grand Union Canal. Yes, it is physically challenging, but let’s face it – in terms of risks, it’s not exactly up there with trying to grab the tail of a lion in the Serengeti, now is it? The biggest risk is probably ending up in the canal, and in the greater scheme of things that’s not too big a deal at all.

gentle adventure is one that anyone can have. Yes, probably even you!

Adventure  is  healthy

Everyone needs at least some adventure in their lives. It’s healthy, and challenges how we see the world. I’m a big advocate for cycle camping, but you don’t even have to go camping to have an adventure.

Try this: work out a route that is a distance you feel is suitable for a day’s cycling, and ensure it ends at an inn somewhere. Book yourself in for the night. On the day your adventure is set to start, cycle to that inn, stay overnight and cycle home the next day. You will have had a gentle adventure, and by the time you get back home, you’ll have a big smile on your face.

If you were up for it, try cycle camping. I almost always wild camp (if you signed up for a guided wild camping experience, you’ll love it too) but there’s nothing saying that you can’t stay in a formal camp site. As long as you go cycle camping, it’s all good.

Adventure  is  necessary

Humans evolve very slowly, and the pace of change (not always progress) around us long ago outstripped our pace of evolution. We’re not designed to travel very fast, and our bodies need to be active to remain healthy. At times, we also need to reduce the stress in our lives to far lower levels than what our day jobs expose us to. Going on a cycling adventure ticks all these boxes.

Yes, even if it’s only a small adventure. Because every adventure counts.

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