Brighton Bimble – the start

Brighton  Bimble?

A have a slowly-expanding list of highly-detailed cycle touring route guides, called GoCycle guides. GoCycle bike touring route guides don’t simply show you the way. No, my bicycle touring guides act like a tour leader, and tells you about the landscape through which you’re cycling. A GoCycle guide will keep you on track, warn you when there’s no place to top up your water bottles for a while, and will tell you about what is around you while you’re cycling. Best of all, my GoCycle guides are tested, so you know you can trust them.

The Brighton Bimble is my latest cycle touring route. Easily reachable by train from London – take your bike on the train – at 103 miles long it makes for a perfect weekend, or 3-day cycling getaway. By the time you’re reading this, I will be roughly halfway around the route. You see, to ensure my GoCycle cycle touring routes contain no surprises, and that the guides are accurate, they are tested. That testing of the Brighton Bimble will be done by me cycling the route.

A  Travelling  Ouballies  ride

A travelling what? You’ll need to read this post to discover what a Travelling Ouballies ride is, and how to pronounce it. The short version is that some of the cycle touring rides I do are open invitation, and anyone who wanted to (and was able of cycling the distance) would be welcome to join me. There are some Ts & Cs, but read the post I linked to, to read those. Travelling Ouballie rides are always rides where I wild camp. Well, most of my multi-day rides are wild camping rides. If you’re still apprehensive about the legality of wild camping, I suggest you go read this post.

Old  friends…

As he often does, my mate Caspar wanted to join me on this ride, but couldn’t. On the way, I was meant to pop in to say hello to another mate, Tommy, who joined us on a previous ride, but those plans were shelved, too. You really should follow both of them on Twitter, as they good guys.

…new  acquaintances…

During the ride, we are hoping to be joined by three other riders (separate from each other). Some of them I’ve “known” via social media for ages, and it would be lovely to be able to meet them in person, even though they’ll only ride with us for a short while.

…and  new  technology

On the menu bar at the top, there’s a Where’s Will Now link. Clicking that will take you to a page that will display a map. I use the RideWithGPS app to live-share my location. Obviously, I won’t activate it just as I’m cycling away from where I parked my van, nor will I leave it running anywhere near where we’ll be camping for the night. Beyond that, you can track our (slow – I’m unfit after Covid, then breaking my collarbone!) progress on the map, and see photos I take along the way. Just a fair warning, I take lots of pics, and some of what I photograph might baffle you.

I hope you join us to at least virtually share in the adventure!



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